another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

character flaws July 19, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:18 am
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It seems I have some serious character flaws I need to work on.

In the past four days I have been told that I am:-

too nice

too polite

too kind

And I've been given the impression on each occasion that these are not good qualities to have.

I'm not sure if this says something about me, or the world about me.


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the birthday celebration February 22, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 8:38 am
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Well we headed off to Newcastle for the night.

Its a funny place Newcastle.

It's a city surrounded by beautiful beaches and lakes, it has a nice foreshore area and harbour, (it's one of the largest coal exporting harbours in the world), yet it still remains a bit of a shithole.

It's a real blue collar city. A steel city. BHP set up business there in the early 1900's and employed just about everyone until 1999 when it closed down.

And now it doesn't seem to know what to do with itself. The main street is trashed. Burnt out shops, graffiti everywhere.



And there's this great dirty railway that runs right between the main street and the foreshore. There are plans to rip it out and put in parks and whatever which would be really nice and sort of flow on better. But of course there is the Save The Rail Group who oppose anything to do with pulling out the rail line. I often wonder if any of them actually ever catch the train to town. So basically the water is right there behind the bottle shop and at the end of the line the blue you can see is the sea.



So you cross the line, turn right and you're on the foreshore, which is developing nicely with restaurants and bars. Nice to sit there in the afternoon.



This place always makes me laugh. We sat in there and had dinner once. Its just a little shed attached to the restaurant.



And we sat at The Brewery for a while where we had to listen to a really bad singer. Here I am with my beautiful boy.



Then we walked down to Isobar for dinner. Kind of wasted my time doing my hair. This place was crap. We booked for 6 then when we got there they said they needed our table at 8 for the next booking. Then they hovered around us wearing their stupid headphones and hassling us all the time to order or we'd miss out.



My bestie Jem and I.



We went to visit Chicken Little as well. As you can see she has special powers. Lasers shoot from her eyes.



And my gorgeous daughter.



Gave me this lovely little plant that cost her $ 3.00. And I only had to pay $ 15.00 for a pot and potting mix for it to go in.


 Anyway it turned out to be a pretty huge afternoon and evening.

When I woke up the next morning I had to go to McDonalds and have 2 large iced coffees and a large fries to start recovering.


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happy birthday to me February 19, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:58 pm
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So on this day, 46 years ago, I was born in this hospital.



I had my appendix out there when I was 9 as well. That was back in the day when the local doctor had to do everything. No sending you off to a thousand specialists.

My mother turned up at the hospital that day saying she was in labour but they sent her home saying it was a false alarm. So on the way home she got Dad to stop at the bakery and get her a couple of meat pies that she ate. Then of course she was back there later giving birth to me while digesting a stomach full of pastry and meat.

But all went well. And by the look of this photo I was taken home when I was about 5 hours old and handed over to the siblings.



But I survived that as well and grew into a really cute little baby. This is one of the photos my mother coloured. That was her job, painting black and white photos. She was very good at it. Spent a lot of time on the little details. Like the eyelashes on the cat, things like that.



And went on to become best friends with Roslyn. Seen here blowing out my birthday cake candles. We spent all our time together after we met in kindy. We were besties for years and years before she went away to boarding school when she was about 15. Then we lost touch.



And now here I am. All these years later. My own kids have grown up and are getting about on their own, they are lovely and capable and kind, business is doing well and pays me a wage, hobbies are still interesting me, I have good friends. And now I have some spare time. I have to think about how I want to use it.

But one thing I am certain of is this – language warning.



I just realised I have the same haircut I had when I was 5.

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sweet dreams are made of this August 19, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 10:29 am
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There has been way too much talk about vampires lately. I don't know if its from reading the Twilight series, or hearing about Emjay reading the Anita Blake series, it could be from watching True Blood, or even my old favourite Buffy. A combination of all of them I'd say.

But I have been having way too many vampire dreams lately. And even though they have all had elements of the ridiculous in them, they still freak me out. Last night I dreamt that a pack of vampires was travelling with a pack of fox terriers. By the time I woke up there was only one fox terrier left. (Watch out Chicken Little). What woke me up was some loud house creaking noises. I had to get up and open the bedroom door so I could keep an eye on the hallway, and it took me about an hour to get back to sleep.

I think I'll have to get out my little Bambi book tonight and read it before I go to sleep.

Comin' to getcha.


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Leenda’s Meme May 24, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 12:06 am
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I don't do these things very often. But it's Sunday morning and I'm home alone and I'm sure everyone wants to know these thrilling things about me so here we go.


What is on your bed right now? doona, pillows, usual suspects.

When was the last time you threw up? I never throw up. I refuse to. I talk myself out of it. I just won't do it.

What's your favorite word or phrase? Chihuahua. Although I'm almost over that. You say it instead of good bye. Well I do anyway. And you have to say it a certain way of course or people think you're weird.

Name 3 people who made you smile today? I haven't seen anyone yet today – it;s only 9.20am – I'm home alone

What were you doing at 8 am this morning? thinking about getting up.

What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Same as now: sitting at the computer. And washing

What is your favorite holiday? Oh god, the one years ago when we went (me, daz and kids) to Myall Lakes. It was so awful and stressful that now it's become hilarious.

Have you ever been to another country? Yes Bali

What is the last thing you said aloud? Good morning little doggie

What is the best ice cream flavor? don't do ice cream

What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee

What are you wearing right now? my new very stylish slazenger trackie pants with a black t shirt.

What was the last thing you ate? hmm, well that would be last night and they were these little pastry things I made with an ocean trout in white sauce thingo in them. I'm having the rest for lunch on a baked potato.

Have you bought any new clothing items this week? Yes – my new stylish slazenger trackie daks (which I didn't realise were so expensive until just then when I looked at the docket).

When was the last time you ran? friday – 5kms. Mind you there were several moments of walking included in that.

What's the last sporting event you watched? Oh joyous times. That was last nights NRL game when my wonderful Penrith Panthers gave Daz's woeful Sydney City Roosters a spanking.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Thailand – bring it on.

Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace/facebook? An old friend of mine – we were best friends in year 10.

Ever go camping? Yes, lots of drunken teenage camping trips have been had.

Do you have a tan? I used to tan all the time. I go really dark. Now I don't tan. Now I'm just all blotchy and pigmented from the tanning I used to do. STAY OUT OF THE SUN KIDDIES.

Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? Sometimes I lose the empty cardboard toilet roll down the toilet. Thats always a nasty job fishing that out. I usually get daz to do it.

What is your guilty pleasure? I try not to be guilty about any pleasure I get thanks. Messes with your head too much that sort of thing.

Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? No. Only if I think people aren't going to get my warped sense of humour.

Do you drink your soda from a straw? I don't drink much fizzy and when I do I just drink from the can.

What did your last text message say? It was to Kimba last night telling her to stay safe because she was out on the tiles with her friends for more 21st birthday celebrations.

Are you someone's best friend? aww shucks, I think so.

What are you doing tomorrow? Monday usual – work, bit more running, groundhog day really.

Where is your mom right now? Probably sitting in her chair having a coffee.

Look to your left, what do you see? The next door neighbours house if I didn't have the ugly curtain closed.

What color is your watch? I don’t own one

What do you think of when you think of Australia? Oh well, here I am in Australia and I'm thinking about it but nothing comes to mind in particular.

Ever ridden on a roller coaster? NOOOO – I'm such a scaredy Cat. I never have a lot of confidence in the maintenance guys. The only roller coasters I get a chance to ride on used to come through town with the shows. And when you look at the carnies running them, well, I just don't trust all the nuts and bolts are tightened very often.

What is your birthstone? don't know – I think its purple though.

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I only have takeaway about three times a year so I go in so I can spend a long time looking  at the board deciding what I want.

Do you have any friends on myspace/facebook that you actually hate? No

Do you have a dog? Yes, Betty.

Last person you talked to on the phone? Daz

Any plans today? Sunday here so not really

Are you happy? yes mostly

Where are you right now? office

Biggest annoyance in your life right now? nothing really

Last song listened to? Pump It – black eyed peas – its good to run to.

Last movie you saw? lol, I watched I'm Not There. But I think you probably need to take a lot of drugs before you watch that. Cate Blanchett is fantastic though. And I liked it, but I'm not really sure what it all means.

Are you allergic to anything? bandaids

Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? joggers

Are you jealous of anyone? No

Are you married? yes

Is anyone jealous of you? Surely – I mean I'm so fantastic (thats where you should put a smiley face)

Do any of your friends have children? Yes

Do you eat healthy? Usually

Do you use the word 'hello' daily? Yes

How many kids do you want when you're older? Well none I hope. I already have three and I don't want any of those nasty middle life surprises.

How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 45

Have you ever been to Six Flags? I don't know what it is

How did u get one of your scars? The old appendix story. I have a huge scar, they must have had to have a dig around. Don't know why though, they were huge, about to explode. I got to keep them in a jar on my bedside table for years. They don't do that anymore do they – give you body bits to keep in jars. When I was a kid we all had tonsils or appendix floating around in murky liquid on the bedhead.

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road trip to boganville November 13, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 5:43 am
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I am exhausted.

I've been on a road trip with the elderly.

I've folded and unfolded walkers all day and heaved them in and out of the bus. I've pushed Rose in her wheelchair up and down hills and hauled people out of low chairs by their very frail feeling arms. (It's ok though, they're tougher than they look).

We went for a trip to the next, even more isolated town, to admire their shopping mall and have lunch at the RSL club. From now on I shall think of it as Boganville. I don't know if it was pension day or something but, wow, I've never seen so many Iron Maiden tshirts in such a small space.

And if I had the energy I'd tell you about what a bloody disgrace it was where we had to park the bus and make these old and disabled people walk. But I have photos, so I'll show you later. I should be used to it after all my father has been disabled for twenty years and I've almost become used to seeing how hard it is to get him in and out of shopping centres.

I think I have something in my eye as well. Will be an early night for me. Bloody hot in Boganville as well. Amazing how much temperature difference there can be between two towns.


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meme November 9, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 1:02 am
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Well I stole this from Connie – she loves a meme she does

  1. Where is the furthest place that you have traveled and how far away from home is it?
    Bali is the only place I've been. And I have no idea how far it is. Just past Perth I'd say. It takes five hours flying just to get from one side of Australia to the other. When I finished school I went. Back then just about everyone in Australia went to Bali when they finished school. Redgum even wrote that song about it – I've Been to Bali To.
  2. What is a blog that you would recommend for us to read and why?
    Funny you should ask. I was just thinking that vox should have the option that (I think) blogspot has where you can click to go to a random blog. Because I'm sure I miss a lot of good ones that I just never stumble upon.
  3. What is the biggest surprise you ever have had and was it a good one?
    Well I don't get surprised very easily. However I was pretty surprised when the shower door smashed the day I threw it across the yard when I was having a tantrum. I really thought it was stronger than that. And seeing as how we were renting at the time I'd have to say it was not a good one.
  4. What is your favorite quote?
    Tell it to someone who gives a shit. Or maybe it's Care factor…….zero.
  5. Have you ever been hospitalized for a major health situation?
    Yes. Well it wasn't major, but it could've been. When I was 9 I had appendicitis and my mother thought I was just nervous sick about a piano recital I had the next day. So she kept on with her dinner party. The next day I insisted that I was really sick and she took me to the doctor who only had to smell my breath to know I had to be rushed to the hospital. If I hadn't of been so relieved I would've said – I told you so.
  6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself?
    Mid range – too thick to be either short or long 
  7. What was your favorite amusement park ride growing up?
    Good grief – I didn't ride on amusement park rides. I was too scared for that. Still am. No, it was always the clowns for me. Although that does seem slightly ridiculous when you consider I've been skydiving. 
  8. How long do you talk on your phone on a typical day?
    I hardly talk to anyone on the phone. I never call anyone and in fact I rarely even answer it. We have caller id so I can weed out the telemarketers, the charities and the carpet cleaners (there seem to be a lot of them out there). Then I put special tunes to other people who may ring so I can decided if it's worth running to the phone or not. I do talk to Kimba a bit. She rings sometimes to ask questions like – how do you make chocolate pudding, or how do you make pancakes.
  9. Other than Saturday 9, what is your favorite meme to do each week?
    I hardly ever do memes – I don't even know what the word means and I don't know what saturday 9 is either, but sometimes I steal one from someones page. Usually Connies.

Oh – I just got it – does it mean me me as in all about me? lol – I'm not slow.


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