another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

the birthday celebration February 22, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 8:38 am
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Well we headed off to Newcastle for the night.

Its a funny place Newcastle.

It's a city surrounded by beautiful beaches and lakes, it has a nice foreshore area and harbour, (it's one of the largest coal exporting harbours in the world), yet it still remains a bit of a shithole.

It's a real blue collar city. A steel city. BHP set up business there in the early 1900's and employed just about everyone until 1999 when it closed down.

And now it doesn't seem to know what to do with itself. The main street is trashed. Burnt out shops, graffiti everywhere.



And there's this great dirty railway that runs right between the main street and the foreshore. There are plans to rip it out and put in parks and whatever which would be really nice and sort of flow on better. But of course there is the Save The Rail Group who oppose anything to do with pulling out the rail line. I often wonder if any of them actually ever catch the train to town. So basically the water is right there behind the bottle shop and at the end of the line the blue you can see is the sea.



So you cross the line, turn right and you're on the foreshore, which is developing nicely with restaurants and bars. Nice to sit there in the afternoon.



This place always makes me laugh. We sat in there and had dinner once. Its just a little shed attached to the restaurant.



And we sat at The Brewery for a while where we had to listen to a really bad singer. Here I am with my beautiful boy.



Then we walked down to Isobar for dinner. Kind of wasted my time doing my hair. This place was crap. We booked for 6 then when we got there they said they needed our table at 8 for the next booking. Then they hovered around us wearing their stupid headphones and hassling us all the time to order or we'd miss out.



My bestie Jem and I.



We went to visit Chicken Little as well. As you can see she has special powers. Lasers shoot from her eyes.



And my gorgeous daughter.



Gave me this lovely little plant that cost her $ 3.00. And I only had to pay $ 15.00 for a pot and potting mix for it to go in.


 Anyway it turned out to be a pretty huge afternoon and evening.

When I woke up the next morning I had to go to McDonalds and have 2 large iced coffees and a large fries to start recovering.


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6 Responses to “the birthday celebration”

  1. Ninja Says:

    Yeah, I agree about Newcastle. That area on the harbour front is not bad but the rest, as you say, is rather sad looking.I always fly out of Williamtown airport when doing my ninja trips into the Hunter.Newcastle can do a lot better when it's got the lovely Hunter region located nearby.

  2. Crush-Monkey Says:

    great photos!
    Looks like a wonderful birthday!

    : )

  3. cat Says:

    Newcastle has a lot of potential – I think they need a new mayor actually, he's been around too long. But the place is definitely picking up.

  4. cat Says:

    Yes, and we get to do it all again tomorrow night for my husbands birthday

  5. Aubrey Says:

    Ice coffee and fries – what a perfect breakfast!
    A city that doesn't know what to do with itself. Yes; we have alot of similar places over here. Sad, really, they all have some – at least – potential.

  6. cat Says:

    salty fries – did the job
    it's a shame about Newcastle because it has beautiful beaches, its close to the vinyeards and has cruise ships stopping in for visits – it needs a team of new enthusiastic people to take charge of the council

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