another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

Packin’ the Vinyl April 1, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:50 am
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Well as you may know, I'm moving in about three years. So I thought I may as well start cleaning and packing. Because I'm like that. As soon as I know I have to do something, I do it. So I decided I'd start with the lounge room shelves. That was tricky. Because who knows? I may want to read all those old Rolling Stone magazines one day. Or the Skin and Ink. Even the 100 or so Womens Health and Fitness. Can I really give them away? Too hard. So I cleaned them up into neat piles to ponder over and moved onto the vinyl. Now there are a lot of memories associated with my records. Good, Bad and Ugly.

This can be ugly. Yet after the right amount of alcohol it can seem so good. I can tell you though, that you are unlikely to find more annoying voices than Pinky and Perky. I loved this. People always think I'm playing it on the wrong speed. But I'm not. I mean how cool are Pinky and Perky. Dudes.

And French Nursery Rhymes. You can't go wrong can you. Who doesn't remember sitting in a hot music room at school singing Frere Jacques. You know that thing they make you do where one group starts off, then the next and the next and it's supposed to sound lovely but the last group goes too fast and you all end up singing over the top of each other. And the music teacher stays determined that it will work out. Row row row your boat was another one.

I used to like to illustrate my books (and obviously records). I've coloured in all the pages in my Heidi book. And Heidi Grows Up. And Heidi Has Children. So it was no surprise to find I'd drawn a little picture inside the cover of the french Nursery Rhymes record cover. I'm assuming it is my own french dog. Like the one above. Or maybe a cat. Crossed with a unicorn. Missing an eye. With a terrible belly button disease. Yet somehow still happy.

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13 Responses to “Packin’ the Vinyl”

  1. Inga Says:

    I'm not sure why, but I can't stop laughing at your afflicted uni-cat. He has a very manic look in his eye.

  2. You know, if you start now, you might just finish in time to move. I can always pack it is the unpacking I can't handle. Five years down the track I still have boxes in the garage.

  3. Snowy Says:

    Very artistic tail, Cat. That cat might be famous one day.

  4. cat Says:

    I think he's a pirate cat

  5. cat Says:

    lol – I have this one box I have carted aroundwith me since I left home. One of the things it has in it are the cards my mother was given when I was born. I might want them one day.

  6. cat Says:

    ha ha – can only hope.

  7. cat Says:

    and if you're ever here late on a saturday night you have a good chance of hearing them.

  8. Waterbaby Says:

    will we be listening to those records lounging by the pool?

  9. cat Says:

    definitely – with the bluberry daquiri.

  10. Waterbaby Says:

    and, it is hoped, a bloody rare steak.

  11. cat Says:

    It will be a festival of colour.

  12. Waterbaby Says:

    I'll be sure to wear my plaid pajama pants and a polka-dot shirt.

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