another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

RSPCA – support it April 24, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 4:10 am
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The RSPCA aren't mucking around this time. They have a new campaign out and you won't see any cute little puppies or chickens with bandages on their legs running across the screen while All Creatures Great and Small play in the background.

This new campaign they have  adresses the issue of domestic violence and animal abuse.

The fact that a large percentage of violent criminals admit to having been cruel to animals as children.

But even more frightening and sad is that many women involved in abusive relationships stay because of the family pet. She fears what the abuser may do to the pet if she leaves or the abuser uses threats against the pet to keep her there.

And the thing that really sucks is that broadcasters are reluctant to air the ads. In fact since seeing it on the news a while back I haven't seen one of the ads on TV. Broadcasters are concerned because in the past ads showing domestic violence have recieved a lot of complaints.

Thats because people feel better if they don't have to acknowledge whats going on out there. If they don't see it, it's not happening.

Here's a sneak peak at one. Get behind the RSPCA.




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