another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

days of miracle and wonder April 13, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 1:02 am
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The problem with having had three children within four years, is that once the eldest hits those years of teenage anger and angst between the age of 14 and 16, you don't get a break from it until the youngest passes that stage. Of course by then you can't be bothered with all that crap anyway.

When the first kid hits that stage it takes you by suprprise, because overnight they turn into this Jeckyll and Hyde type character and you're left battle weary and exhausted after a year or so. When the second kid hits it, you're more prepared, you know it's coming and you have strategies. By the time the third reaches that stage you're just like, get over it dear. And you know they'll come out the other side perfectly normal people. In fact Kimba and Lloyd laugh about their nasty years now and insist the other was much worse than they were.

Lizzie on the other hand is just hitting her straps. When they reach the age of 14 or 15 they become all defensive and angry and totally lose their sense of humour. The same thing you once said that would have them laughing, will now have them either glaring at you, eye rolling and slamming the bedroom door or talking to you like you are mentally retarded in some way.

She has this new thing of saying to me – Why are you looking at me? And I say – well I was talking to you (god knows why), so I was looking at you. I often feel like saying – Because you're so hideously ugly I can't stop looking at you. Sometimes she gets specific – Why are you looking at my legs?

Oh well, I'm almost at the end now and then I'll be able to go to AA and get my life back to normal.

I'm a bit lucky this time as Lizzie vents a lot of her anger at Kimba. So much so that Kimba told me she is NEVER coming home again. She came up to me this morning and asked me suspiciously why Lizzie was being so nice to her. It's mind games I said. Don't trust her.

Anyway I've made this for Kimba to hang in her room because I know Lizzie does love her and one day we'll laugh about how scared of her we all are.

Pity they're so ugly though.




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