another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

Vox Hunt: Something on a Stick March 31, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 11:45 pm
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Today is "Something on a Stick Day." So go for it… show us something on a stick!

Not only will I show you something on a stick, I'll show you the best thing ever to be put on a stick.

The Chocolate Paddle Pop.



Nothing beats a chocolate paddle pop. You can get rainbow or banana but they just don't cut it.

Just a simple chocolate iceblock. They don't try to be fancy. You won't find any biscuit crumbs, or chunks of chocolate. No nuts or balls of bubble gum in the middle. They're like that CD you have. You know the one you put on when you can't decide what to play. The one you know will be right for any occasion. 



When we were kids we were allowed to go to the corner shop once a week and buy whatever we wanted. Mind you we were only given 20 cents, but that got you a lot back then. And I always got a chocolate paddle pop first. I think they were 7 cents then.



One year Santa bought me a box of chocolate paddle pops. He might have bought my brother and sisters boxes as well – not sure. But of all the christmas presents I received over the years, from Santa and anyone else, thats the only one I remember.


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me, the bus driver

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 2:09 am
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The things I get myself into.

It was suggested last week, at the oldies home, that I should go and do a bus driver training course, so when we're out on bus trips, if Lorrie happens to drop dead for some reason, I'll be able to drive home. And I said, well if it was an emergencey I'd just drive home. But they went – no, no you wouldn't be covered by our insurance.

So early this morning off I went, in the rain, and I am now certified to drive a 14 seater bus. I can even reverse park it. And I can stamp the brakes on hard while going flat chat down a country road. Because we did that a few times. That was fun actually. Fun watching the other people in the back clinging onto their seatbelts, laughing in a nervous hysterical type of way. See I went first, then got out and sat on the grass while everyone else did it so I didn't end up with whiplash.

Last week I took it for a drive around our park because I said I was not going to do a driver training thing in it if I hadn't even sat in the drivers seat. So Lorrie and I took it for a spin. It's really easy to drive though. It's the same width as a car, but long. I was looking in the mirror and I said – it's long. And Lorrie said, yeah, thats the only time I freak out sometimes. When I look in the rear view mirror and see the bus is full of old people.

I know what she means. The thought of just that is freaking me out already.

However, it never hurts to learn a new skill. To add a new trick to the bag.

Whoever said that old dog new tricks thing was wrong. I've still got plenty of tricks left in me.

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