another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

sweet dreams are made of this March 2, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:54 am
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I often wake up in the night not knowing for sure where I am. At the time I think I know where I am. But I'm never thinking – here I am in my bed, in my bedroom. I'm thinking – here I am, a radio operator in the army, trapped in a farmhouse with gunfire raging outside. Or – here I am, floating along in my spaceship, in some kind of cocoon. Or, here I am, trapped in an underground maze thats part of a building that used to be a curtain manufacturers. (Don't ask, I have no idea where that one came from). Things like that. And they're not dreams. It's like I'm there. And last night was so real it was incredible.

I woke up with my heart pumping at a furious rate. And I thought I was laying in an enormously tall bed. When I looked down at my clock radio, it looked like it was miles away. I wasn't game to put my legs over the side and stand up because I thought I'd fall about 30 feet and break my neck. And I put my hands up in the air feeling about because I was sure I'd be able to touch the ceiling.

But of course I couldn't. So I decided to do what I always decide to do. And thats to lie there until it gets light and then work out how to get out of the situation. And its always about then that I realise that it's not real. Last night while I was waving my arms around trying to feel the ceiling I hit the cord of my bedside lamp. When I grabbed it, thats when I knew I was safe and sound in bed.

Most times this happens it's a very hairy situation. I mean I've never woken up and thought I was trapped in the Cadburys chocolate factory, or woken up in a shopping mall with a $10,000.00 gift voucher in my hand.

I'm starting to think I should tie some rope around my waist then around the door in case I ever get lost on one of these journeys.

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