another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

sixteen candles September 4, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 12:02 am
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Lizzie turns sixteen today.

Happy Birthday Miz Liz.

Funny how the two older kids just sort of get older and you don't think much of it, but when you realise The Baby is old enough to drive a car, well thats just come too fast.

Of course I remember the day she was born, because Daz and I stood on the verandah and had a fight at about 3am in the morning. My friend who had come to stay with Kimba and Lloyd had to come out and say – now now kids, just go to the hospital. Which was what the fight was about. Daz wanted to go in this old sixties model valiant he had. And I refused to get in the heap of shit. We went in the work truck in the end. Of course when we arrived at the hospital we had forgotten the paperwork so he had to go home again and now I think about it, I bet he drove that bloody valiant back again. Just because he could.

So Lizzie was born at 5.04am and last night she asked me if she could white out that off the record and write that it was 4.04 am, so she could say she was born at 4.04 on the 4th. But that seemed kind of wrong.

Anyway she has bronchitis and an infected ear, her friends are all away at a school excursion and her brother and sister are both away.

She was such a sweet little girl.



Still is really. Most of the time. Don't worry she still has her 16 year old girl moments but on the whole she's a good apple.


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16 Responses to “sixteen candles”

  1. Emjay Says:

    Happy Birthday Lizzie!!! LOL your birth story! Love those "posters"

  2. cat Says:

    oh yes – I meant to put a link – theres a whole lot of different options at photofunia

  3. goldie Says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZZIE!(that photofunia is fun indeed)

  4. cat Says:

    thanks – yes I think many hours can be wasted having fun there.

  5. Connie Says:

    Happy birthday, beautiful Lizzie šŸ™‚

  6. Waterbaby Says:

    Sweet 16 and never been … oh well, never mind, we're sure it's not true.

  7. cat Says:

    She's a sweet, good girl. And I know everyone thinks that about their kids. But she is.

  8. cat Says:

    thanks connie – being on a billboard suits her I reckon

  9. Waterbaby Says:

    not everyone. happy bday to the sweet lizzie!

  10. Happy Birthday young one!

  11. Jodi Lynne Says:

    What a sweetie!! She is beautiful!!

  12. cat Says:

    she is gorgeous – loves a camera as well

  13. cat Says:

    thanks lavender

  14. I remember my 16th birthday quite well. It was the first birthday I ever celebrated.

  15. cat Says:

    nice – it's a sort of sweet confusing age

  16. awkward, strange….. yup, but your daughter does not seem to have the awkward the way I did, she is stunning.

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