another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

The Sculptor September 10, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 12:54 am
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I was just flipping through a brochure that came in the mail and I see the gladiator sandal is meant to be popular this summer. They're an ugly thing really. And making them gold doesn't really convince me that they are a classy option.

We had to wear sandals that looked like that when I went to school. We called them JC's. What did that mean anway? Was that supposed to be a reference to jesus christ, because I can imagine him wearing something like them.



And these sculpt and shape things annoy me. Who wants to wear one of them in summer. There'll be some nasty cases of thrush going around. And anyway why don't they ever show someone modelling them who might actually feel they need to wear them. Those chicks do not need to wear those things. What I want to see is a larger lady modelling them, because I've always wondered what happens to all that flesh you push down. I mean it has to escape somewhere. I imagine you end up with a roll at the top or at the bottom.

The one at the bottom for instance – by the time you put a bra on you'll have a big roll between it and the top of that thing. Although she doesn't appear to have breasts. Where the hell are they, how much longer can her body possibly be?

Lol at the top left one. How do you even walk in that? You'd have to take little geisha steps. And I bet, I bet as soon as you sit down it would roll up. Anyone who owns one of these things – please burn it.


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