another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

rooting for the team September 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:38 am
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I was explaining to Lavender on the weekend about the word Fanny. And how whenever we here in australia hear you crazy americans say it, it makes us laugh. Because here in australia, fanny is the slang word for vagina. So when we hear you say something like – she had a nice fanny, or, he patted her on the fanny, well we just think they are being way to familiar. And I have never heard of an australian called Fanny. No one would do it, it would be too cruel.

But the word that really cracks us up and reduces us to ten year olds in the playground is – root.

See here in australia root means sex. But in a more vulgar way. You'd say root like you'd say fuck. So you might tell someone to – get rooted. Or you could be walking down the street and have a car load of guys drive by and yell out the window – hey, you wanna root?

So when we hear a sportsman on television saying – he hopes everyone back home is rooting for him, it conjures up images of everyone back home going mad at it in the bedroom in support.

Or funnier is when you hear someone saying they are rooting for such and such a team. Here, if you said you were rooting for a team, well, lets just say we'd be picturing you at the post game party after a few drinks, not at the actual game.

So thats just a tip. If you come to australia don't say you like the look of someones fanny and don't say you're going out to root for the team. You may get some funny looks.

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keep the faith

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 4:20 am

I usually use Krylon sprays on the tiles I make. But I'm always on the look out for other products because you never know when something better may come along. And recently I was asked to make some tiles that will hang outside, they'll be under cover, but outdoors. And I'd been trying another brand of spray that I'd been liking so I thought I'd write to them and ask some questions. Told them about the tiles and coasters, which of their products I was thinking about using, what they thought.

And they sent me back an email that said  - we wouldn't recommend any of our products for any of your projects.

I feel like writing back and telling them they should have more faith. Because I made one a while ago using their sprays and its hanging outside on my wall, it's been through fog and rain and sun and it's doing beautifully. Funny thing is though they've put me off it. Made me doubt it. I'll stick to the krylon.


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