another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

QotD: Can’t Resist… August 31, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 8:52 pm
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What's one thing you can't say no to?

Lost dogs and kittens in pet shops.

I've had to ban myself from walking past pet shops. Once, within a few months we had four kittens. Big Man, Pumpy, Tossy and Marnie. Although Marnie came from the streets. Daz overheard some guys laughing about how they'd found this kitten and how they'd taken it out to the edge of town and tossed it into a paddock. So he went out there and searched for him and bought him home. We offered him to the neighbours but by the time they'd thought about it and decided they'd have him we couldn't give him up.

Then there was Carl. We stopped for breakfast one morning at Carlingford Shopping Centre and he ended up coming home with us.

Now they find me anyway. I currently feed two cats that aren't mine. There was another one we called Roger but I noticed he's living down the road now.

Lost dogs on the street seem to be happy to see me as well. And I can never just walk away from them. So I used to take them home. We had one stay for a weekend once until we found the owners. When I had the three little kids it was harder so then I just started ringing Daz and saying, there's a dog on so and so street, go get it.

Kimba is pretty soft as well when it comes to lost dogs and I think Daz actually abducts ones that aren't lost. Its not unusual to see him driving around with an unkown dog sitting up in the front seat of his truck. Because they love going for a drive don't they. Always look so happy going for a drive.

A couple of weeks ago he sent me a photo of two little dogs he had locked in his office. He'd even been to the butcher and bought them mince. They had tags with their phone number and address but no one was answering. So when it was time for Daz to come home he went around to their house, found the hole where they'd escaped and fixed it.

I think I can say no to just about anything else.

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