another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

QotD: You May Say I’m a Dreamer July 31, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 10:49 am
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Do you remember your dreams?

OMG – how weird is that.

I always remember my dreams.

I live my dreams.

And I dream in colour.

And I had the strangest dream last night.

BUT – how fucking boring is it when someone wants to tell you their dreams????

As soon as someone says

I had this weird dream last night,

you just know you're in for about fifteen minutes of boring blather that you couldn't give a shit about.

And that is why I won't bore you with the dream I had last night.

Which lead to me being so tired this afternoon that I napped on the lounge and drooled on the pillow.

What I will say is this.


You now how all the vampires are beautiful these days? In all the movies and TV shows, vampires are shimmery and slim and gorgeous?

Well I had this dream last night and my vampire, she was a shocker. She was more sort of zombie. Think Living Dead – with teeth. And blue lips (thats where the colour came in).

But apparently she was fairly stupid, because I managed to lure her into the sun where she imploded. I dunno, maybe she thought she was more of the Twilight variety. Must have thought she was just going to shimmer in the light. But let me tell you – she went OFF!!

It was something to behold.

Even in your sleep.

So although in the dream we seemed to be friends (even though I killed her), I just couldn't sleep after the dream. I heard every little bump in the night, every cat screech, every creak in the floorboards. I even had to get up and open my bedroom door so I could keep an eye on anything that roamed past.

And the coal trains just rolled through town all night. And they always sound to me like an orchestra warming up. All sad and lonely and mysterious.

So yes, not only do I remember my dreams, but my dreams somehow manage to entwine themselves into my reality.

Which makes for a really bad nights sleep.

And I'd really like to thank all my foxxy voxers for their help with my last query. Thats what I love about this place – you throw something out there and you'll always get some help


and so now its good night from me,

and its good night from him

sweet dreams everyone


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Vintage Image Ceramic Tile Coasters

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 2:18 am
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Pardon my blatant plug of a title, but I'm doing a test.

See I'm not sure how well Vox rates in the various search engines. So for people like myself, who are trying to sell things, I'm not sure how much use vox is.

So say I have a set of four ceramic tile coasters for sale at my madeit shop, and they have been made using vintage photos of moulin rogue girls taken by Papa in 1964, mixed with some vintage theatre posters. And say that each coaster measures 4 x 4 inches and comes with felt on the back.

So lets just say that. And then we'll see if anyone turns up here after searching for such a thing.

How long does it take for "things" to get picked up by search engines anyway? Or do you have to ping them or something.

I think blogger is better for that sort of thing – isn't blogger owned by google anyway? hmm, wonder if that matters. And who the hell is Bing!!

Maybe I should have a blogger blog just for the tiles and coasters. I have a website that directs people to the madeit shop but I'm just trialling that for six months to see how much traffic comes its way.

Any ideas? And is it your title or your content that is more important. What about tags, do they matter?

Oh, here are the coasters anyway – pretty cool


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