another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

shit warmed up October 10, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 1:46 am
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You know how you tell someone that they look like shit warmed up? Well I look and feel like shit thats spent ten minutes in the microwave.

Or maybe thats just another one of those australian sayings. You know when someone looks tired or bad you say – geez mate, you look like shit warmed up.

So the formal dress has been bought.

I'm not sure how many miles we walked on Wednesday, but we walked non stop for four hours. And when Lizzie said she had a definite idea of how she wanted the dress to look, I wasn't sure if that was going to be a good or bad thing, but it turned out to be good because we didn't waste time trying on unnecessary things. No luck that day, so Thursday we went to Parramatta Westfield, and there it was. Simple, black, strapless, just above the knee. Fit perfectly and very flattering and totally age appropriate for a 16 year old girl. A lot of these girls turn up at their  formal looking like they got lost on the way to a bridesmaid convention. All wearing satin ,floor length eyesores in pink and lemon that really shouldn't be seen on anyone let alone a 16 year old.

And the sales lady actually put her hand on her heart (well two fingers, boy scout style), and said that she promised to god, no lie, that she didn't tell everyone this, that the dress looked better on Lizzie than anyone else who had ever tried it on. lol,  I could believe it though, it did look lovely - you'll have to wait until December to see it though.

So after walking from Bondi to Darling Harbour, a drive to Paramatta that felt like a nascar race, having the worst dining out experience of my life one night and being attacked by a seagull at dinner the next night, a confusing conversation with a homeless man, putting up with an annoying know it all woman on the monorail and watching a japanese man jumping and swinging from tree to tree at Darling Harbour like a monkey, I found myself with a migraine last night.

I sent Daz looking for the strongest drugs he could find and he came back with panadol rapid. And I can assure you, that rapid they are NOT. Please Daz, we're staying in Oxford Street and the best you can do is a panadol. Oh well, they took the edge off. But as I say, I look like shit warmed up and I'd go for a lie down and read but I have to go grocery shopping. The fun never ends.


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