another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting March 28, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:10 am
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It was much much worse.

California Ambrosia. Sounds pleasant enough, but don't be fooled.

I received a deck of smoothie recipes years ago and never got around to trying them out. I mean its so much effort isn't it. Peeling and preparing all those ingredients for half a cup of drink. Then taking apart the blender to clean it. Similar to the juicer really. Do you know how many carrots it takes to make a cup of carrot juice? And do you realise how many parts there are in a juicer that need dismantling and cleaning. Which is why mine sits in the bottom of a dark cupboard. Somewhere.

However I decided I would go through the smoothie deck. Second off the pack was California Ambrosia. Mango nectar, lime juice, diced mango, mint and silken tofu. WTF? But I always like to try things before I turn my nose up at them. And all I can say was that it was what I would imagine drinking  half a glass of snot would be like. Well I could only manage a couple of mouthfuls. Thickish and pale yellowish. Tofu, was that really made for drinking?

Bring on the Banana Latte I say. Milk, espresso, banana, ice, cocoa.

Better yet. I wonder how far in deck these ones are.

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