another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

the jade necklace and the old man who wanted to live forever February 28, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 12:48 am
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My father, who is about 79, has decided that he wants to start wearing a jade necklace. He tells me it will bring him long life and good health.

A few things to know about my father.

He is severely disabled as a result of a stroke he suffered over 20 years ago.

He has had a hip replacement because he was too slow getting through the automatic sliding doors at the shopping centre and they closed on him and broke it.

He has a dodgy heart beat that the doctors don't want to try and fix because it involves stopping his heart then starting it again. They think it might not start. They don't know him very well, I think the trouble would be trying to stop it.

He doesn't walk at all anymore, he rides around on a scooter.

He has to have someone come in and help him shower and dress.

For gods sake I said – how long does the old bastard want to live for!!

Anyway he wants me to pick one out. Because apparently we have similar taste. But it can't be fake or soapstone. I said to mum

Would he even know if it wasn't real?

Oh yes she said, I'd think so.

So there was nothing in town so I went for a drive to a shop out in the vineyards. And I found a couple, but I'm still not sure if they're real. They were both about $70 but I feel that the prices would be inflated due to the shop being in the vineyards and customers would normally be suckers weekending from Sydney.

Here are my picks so far. There was a heart but I didn't think he'd wear a heart.

Any picks for which would best suit a 79 year old man.


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