another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

meme November 9, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 1:02 am
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Well I stole this from Connie – she loves a meme she does

  1. Where is the furthest place that you have traveled and how far away from home is it?
    Bali is the only place I've been. And I have no idea how far it is. Just past Perth I'd say. It takes five hours flying just to get from one side of Australia to the other. When I finished school I went. Back then just about everyone in Australia went to Bali when they finished school. Redgum even wrote that song about it – I've Been to Bali To.
  2. What is a blog that you would recommend for us to read and why?
    Funny you should ask. I was just thinking that vox should have the option that (I think) blogspot has where you can click to go to a random blog. Because I'm sure I miss a lot of good ones that I just never stumble upon.
  3. What is the biggest surprise you ever have had and was it a good one?
    Well I don't get surprised very easily. However I was pretty surprised when the shower door smashed the day I threw it across the yard when I was having a tantrum. I really thought it was stronger than that. And seeing as how we were renting at the time I'd have to say it was not a good one.
  4. What is your favorite quote?
    Tell it to someone who gives a shit. Or maybe it's Care factor…….zero.
  5. Have you ever been hospitalized for a major health situation?
    Yes. Well it wasn't major, but it could've been. When I was 9 I had appendicitis and my mother thought I was just nervous sick about a piano recital I had the next day. So she kept on with her dinner party. The next day I insisted that I was really sick and she took me to the doctor who only had to smell my breath to know I had to be rushed to the hospital. If I hadn't of been so relieved I would've said – I told you so.
  6. Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself?
    Mid range – too thick to be either short or long 
  7. What was your favorite amusement park ride growing up?
    Good grief – I didn't ride on amusement park rides. I was too scared for that. Still am. No, it was always the clowns for me. Although that does seem slightly ridiculous when you consider I've been skydiving. 
  8. How long do you talk on your phone on a typical day?
    I hardly talk to anyone on the phone. I never call anyone and in fact I rarely even answer it. We have caller id so I can weed out the telemarketers, the charities and the carpet cleaners (there seem to be a lot of them out there). Then I put special tunes to other people who may ring so I can decided if it's worth running to the phone or not. I do talk to Kimba a bit. She rings sometimes to ask questions like – how do you make chocolate pudding, or how do you make pancakes.
  9. Other than Saturday 9, what is your favorite meme to do each week?
    I hardly ever do memes – I don't even know what the word means and I don't know what saturday 9 is either, but sometimes I steal one from someones page. Usually Connies.

Oh – I just got it – does it mean me me as in all about me? lol – I'm not slow.


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15 Responses to “meme”

  1. Emjay Says:

    LOL … my God – you are never going to get over that appendicitis are you! I'm surprised the near drowning didn't edge in there somewhere too!

  2. cat Says:

    I'd like it mentioned somewhere on my headstone please. And the near death drowning experience would have made a mention except it didn't require hospitilisation. Mind you, I'm sure it should have but, well, you know mother.

  3. Connie Says:

    Did you like Bali, Cat? 🙂

  4. cat Says:

    I did – it was a lot of fun, nice and hot as well. A lot of australians go there. They were put off a bit after the bombings and the whole schapelle corby thing, but I think they're going back now.

  5. Waterbaby Says:

    I loved Bali, well, not Denpasar or Kuta Beach but the outlying areas. Too funny about your mom going on with her dinner party. Well, not funny funny but funny and only because you got treatment and lived.

  6. cat Says:

    thats where we all hang – Kuta
    my mother even made me eat a bit of fish, I remember throwing it back up in the hallway

  7. liyafendi Says:

    Huh, appendicitis at age 9? That's too early. My aunt had it when she was about 20 and she cried badly because of the unbearable pain.

  8. cat Says:

    it was awful – pain and sickness

  9. Waterbaby Says:

    yeah, kuta's where the "scene's" at. bad fish was it?

  10. cat Says:

    isn't all fish bad when you're a kid? – I've never been a big fish fan at the best of times.

  11. Waterbaby Says:

    mygoshno; even as a tyke, i looooooved fish, still do; raw, cooked, does not matter long as the preparation is appropriate to the fish. i could eat fish every day and not tire of it! in fact, i kinda did living in japan! (big big seafood country, that)

  12. cat Says:

    I like salmon these days. Some plain white fish. Don't like oysters, prawns, lobster type things.

  13. Waterbaby Says:

    ah. not a big fan of lobster either (too rich; frankly don't see what all the fuss is about). the only two fishy items i dislike are uni (the gonads of the sea urchin, verrrrry popular in japan) and ikura (salmon roe). i more or less live and die for halibut (esp. raw); eel also, verrry tasty.

  14. cat Says:

    I've never even seen eel for sale here. I guess I'd be able to get it at the Sydney markets. And I don't know how people even know they like lobster when they usually have it covered in some awful creamy cheesy sauce.

  15. Waterbaby Says:

    with the number of japanese tourists hitting sydney, eel's bound to be somewhere, if not in the markets, then restaurants with strong asian clientele. oh, i totally agree about the lobster. i ate it unadorned because, gosh durn, call me old-fashioned but i actually like to know the genuine taste and characteristics of a food, naked. (the food i mean, not me.) it's the reason i have little patience for those who strut around saying they dig snails, no problemo. really? remove the butter. now what do you think? not such hoity-toity high cuisine any longer is it?

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