another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

QotD: Is Cupid Calling? February 13, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:44 am
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Valentine's Day is tomorrow. How do you feel about this holiday? Do you plan on celebrating? 

Well, we don't usually celebrate Valentines Day. I think its because our birthdays are so close. Mine is the 20th and Daz is the 24th.

I told Daz years ago that he was never to buy me flowers. I think they're such a waste of money. I told him he could buy me books. But he turned out to be a really lousy book buyer. He always picks books I'd never pick myself. He knows now that when he buys me a book he must keep the docket so I can change it.

But we are going out for dinner tomorrow.

They're having a smorgasbord at the bowling club.



But anyway, we have been together for about forever.

25 years now – since I was 20 and he was 18

Unbelievable really when you think about it – we were babies back then.

But there you go – he puts up with my shit and I put up with his. And seriously I can be a real pain in the arse to put up with sometimes. Ok, lots of the times.

And through all the shit, we've always stayed good mates. And I know that when it comes down to it – he's the one who will always have my back covered. I always know I can count on him to back me up.

And to do whatever I tell him to.

This photo is a couple of years old but I like it. We were at the local under 16's football on a freezing cold night, watching Lloyd play AFL and sending photos to my friend Jem on the mobile phone.

So yeah, here we are, valentines. So even though he shits me to tears sometimes – bring on the next 25.





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