another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

photo time December 8, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 7:18 am
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I've been having a shocker with the 365 day photo thingo. I take them but then forget to post them.

But when I get back from Thailand I'll be able to bore you for weeks with photos. I was thinking today that its very inconvenient, how when you're trying to get ready to go overseas, normal life keeps going on and taking up time.

So, some photos.

Here is my friend Jem. We were out celebrating her birthday.




And here she is with her hubby.




Here is my foxxxxy daughter Kimba, the devil, and her good friend, Cleopatra getting ready for Cleopatra's birthday party.




And here I am with Big Ears.




And this is Betty chewing on the hindquarter of a small elephant. Or something.




Oh yes, and these are Lloyds shoes. Because he thought it might be a good idea to buy a pair or white dunlop volleys to wear to all the summer music festivals he goes to. This was after Parklife.




And these were my new nail polishes that you've seen before. And I don't really like either of them. But its ok because I have a newer smokin' rimmel red.



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9 Responses to “photo time”

  1. I quickly scanned the above photos and became a little alarmed, between your friend brandishing the knife and your dog biting a bloody bone. I thought at first you were maybe writing about a serial murder.

  2. cat Says:

    lol, no, no, nothing so exciting – although if you look around our back yard you might think so, plenty of old bones around

  3. Kzinti Says:

    It helps hide the "real" bones. LOL

  4. cat Says:

    If we ever sold our house, the people who move in might be in for a surprise if they decided to dig up the backyard for a pool or garden because they'll find three dogs and four cats buried around and about.

  5. Kzinti Says:

    Plus remains of several other animals. Look like a Pagan ritual spot. LOL

  6. Crush-Monkey Says:

    GREAT photos! Especially the devil and cleopatra!

  7. cat Says:

    thanks – yes the girls looked really cute, there was an angel as well

  8. Katiebell Says:

    Adorable dog! I love your photos. I'm curious how the 365 photo a day thing went for you. I've thought about doing it, but, I guess I worry that I'd get a bunch of shots of laundry or mountains of dishes! You do a great job capturing the essence of people in these shots. I'm not a great people photographer, so I admire that a lot!

  9. cat Says:

    Thanks. I think with people you have to get close. People are always yelling at me that I'm too close and everyone will be able to see all their wrinkles and pimples, but thats part of the deal.
    lol, I worried about getting variety in my photos as well because I work at home so see a lot of the same thing each day. But its good because it makes you keep your eyes open. My main problem is posting the photos, so I tend to just do it once a week or fortnight.

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