another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

autumn cleaning… part 2 March 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:30 am
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Well I found somewhere to put the books.

Here. They're out of sight now so I'll deal with them later.


But while I was there I found a vase full of dead flowers. I put them on that bottom shelf one night when we had dinner and completely forgot about them.

They had a pretty funky smell to them. But they looked pretty. In a dead sort of way.


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let them eat cake September 5, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 7:03 am
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I went down the street yesterday to pick up Lizzies birthday cake. An icecream cake. When I said I was there to pick up the cake the woman said to me – I'll just get you to mind the shop while I go and get it.

Umm, ok, sure.

Well it was 9am so I wasn't expecting to be rushed off my feet.

So she brings back the cake, looks good, I take it home then go about my day. I pick Lizzie up from school at 3.30 and when we get home she says can I look at the cake. I say, sure, and get it for her to have a look. And she says


And I say – what?


Oops. So thats six and a half hours in the fridge. I was hardly game to open the box, but it wasn't running out the sides so that was good. We opened it and I said – DON'T TOUCH IT! Just in case it was barely holding together and one finger poke sent it into a slow collapse. So I put it in the freezer for four hours and it was fine. Anyway the one I had last year was so bloody frozen I just about needed a chainsaw to cut it. Now I'm not a huge ice cream fan but it wasn't bad.







And Kimba made a suprise visit which was good of her,  seeing as how it meant being on a 6.40am train this morning to get back home in time for work. And she also arranged for flowers to be delivered to Lizzie yesterday.







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Sunday bloody sunday June 3, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 10:47 am
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The girl Kimba lives with, who shall be known as Riley, works as a barmaid to help pay her way through Uni. So on Sunday night the woman who owns the pub said to Kimba – 'why don't you come in to work with Riley and you can watch and learn and she can show you what goes on. A bit of work experience'. So Kimba said ok. Because with a bit of experience you can always pick up bar work.

So they're about two hours into the six hour shift when Riley starts feeling unwell. Then really unwell. And they decide she should go to hospital. So the guy in charge drives her to hospital. Which leaves Kimba in charge. So it's gone from work experience to running the pub. Go Kimba.

She told me that it's a good thing she's spent so much time in pubs over the last twelve months. Because she knew what someone wanted if they ordered a JD, or a schooner, or a middie. They seem to be the most popular sunday night drinks.

I have something purple. I don't know what the purple day is though and the link wouldn't work. But purple has always been my favourite colour so I'm there. Supporting it. I know it looks pink. But its purple.


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whoa March 11, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 9:19 pm
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Still mesing with that bottle brush – this one makes my eyes go funny. Makes me feel like I could slip into a spiral.

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must move my arse February 29, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 1:55 am
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I've been sitting in this chair for, well too long today. And it seems someone has broken the chair so I can't adjust the height anymore. And because I'm so short that means I'm sitting on a cushion and a pillow. But I've been trying a few techniques on this photo.

We have a tiny bottlebrush bush out the front that produces masses of 'bottles' about twice a year. This is the photo untouched. Still pretty. They start as the buds, blossom and turn bright pink then fade to almost white.

This effect is called the Orton effect. I'm guessing he was a photographer – he merged two images together to get a faded look – but he did it in the development stage.

This was meant to be a conversion to powder pastels but I didn't like it so changed a couple of things and you get quite a different look. Actually I like this more and more. Would be a nice paper or background. Maybe it's just because I like purple.

This one is called The Hayes Island Cafe  effect. I have no idea what that means.

And this one is a comic/cartoon type effect. Probably works better on other types of photo. Although I do like that now I see it again. Pretty.

Must go eat and put some eyedrops in. Feel as if I haven't blinked for hours. And I didn't get any bloody sleep. One of the smoke alarms had a flat battery last night and it makes this high pitched scream to let you know, but only about every 40 minutes. So you either lie awake until the next time to pick which alarm it is, or go to sleep and wait to be woken again by it. And then taking them down requires a trip out the back to find the ladder. The girls tell me it's in their room but they slept through it.

I really like that last bottlebrush photo now.

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