another aimless blog

yes, another blog to add to the millions out there already – but why not.

Chicken Little in the House June 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — panthergirl @ 10:14 am
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One of the fambams are all in a flurry and fluster at the moment.

And when the fambams need help, then you step in.

So it has come to pass that Kimba and Chicken Little will be staying with us for a while.

I get up early and make Kimba eggs on toast for breakfast then she gets on the train for a long trip to work.

And then I get to spend the day with Chicken Little.

What a strange little dog. Kimba rescued her from the pound. She spent eight months there.

She is not a fan of the early and cold mornings that we have here.

Get up Chicken. The sky is falling you know.

And since she's a spoilt little brat and spends all her time on the bed or the lounge I decided she should have a bath. Well she went crazy when I tried to put her collar on. Raced around like a psycho and wouldn't let me catch her.

Then we went outside. She loves it outside. So much smelling to do. She just sniffs everything.

She is suffering from serious Little Dog Complex though. She leaps about Betty like a maniac yapping and sniffing and Betty just looks at her like she's a little wanker. I was concerned there was going to be conflict between them but Betty just doesn't seem to give a fuck. And we'd already decided that they just had to get on and that was that.

So far so good.

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